Married or common-law
Your marital status determines how you prepare your taxes for the year and the benefits to which you're entitled. Check out these help articles to see how you can pool, split, or transfer certain tax credits and deductions with your spouse to maximize your refund or minimize the tax you owe.
Marital status
Did your marital status change?
Did you separate from your spouse or common-law partner but then reconciled?
Did you get back together within 90 days of your separation?
Does getting married impact your tax situation?
What was your marital status on December 31?
Filing returns together or separately
Preparing individual and spousal tax returns
Credits and deductions
How can I transfer my unused federal tuition amounts to my spouse, common-law partner, or relative?
T1032: Joint election to split pension income
T2205: Amounts from a spousal or common-law partner RRSP, RRIF or SPP to include in income