Income from self-employment, a business you own, or a profession and related expenses
You should select Self-employment income & expenses under Tax Topics of the Credits & deductions tab, if:
- You had income from a business or profession and related expenses (you need to complete a T2125 and/or TP-80)
- Your income came from fees or other amounts for goods or services
- You had income from farming or fishing activities
- You want to calculate your business or professional income adjusted to December 31
- You want to complete the Registration for the Québec enterprise register form (Québec only)
- You want to calculate the employment insurance (EI) premiums you need to pay on your self-employment income and other eligible earnings
- You want to claim provincial tax credits related to self-employment (such as the Québec tax credit for taxi drivers or taxi owners, British Columbia logging tax credit, Manitoba green energy equipment tax credit for manufacturers, and more)
Note: If you received any of the following slips, be sure to enter these under Smart Search in the Government slips tab in H&R Block's tax software first:
- T4A: Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity, and Other Income
- T5013: Statement of Partnership Income or a
- Relevé 15: Amounts Allocated to the Members of a Partnership (residents of Québec)
The information found on these slips, along with the information you enter from your business financial statements and receipts is used to complete your tax return.

- Statement of business or professional activities (T2125 and TP-80) (H&R Block Online help centre article)
- Statement of fishing activities (T2121) (H&R Block Online help centre article)
- Statement of farming activities (T2042) (H&R Block Online help centre article)