Relevé 25: Income from a profit-sharing plan (RL-25)
You’ll receive an Relevé 25 (RL-25) slip from your employer or trustee if you’re the beneficiary of a profit-sharing plan and you live in Québec.
Note: Canadian residents living outside of Québec who’re enrolled in a profit-sharing plan will be issued a T4PS: Statement of Employee Profit-Sharing Plan Allocations and Payments instead.
Your RL-25 slip will report the dividends and capital gains (or losses) that have been allocated to you as a member of the plan, as well as any Québec income tax that’s withheld on these disbursements. Additional amounts that can also be found on your RL-25 slip include:
- Foreign income
- Foreign income tax on non-business income
- Foreign capital gains realized
- Capital gains (or losses) from qualified property
- Amounts on which Québec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions were made
- Amounts on which QPP contributions weren’t made
- Actual amount of eligible dividends
- Actual amount of ordinary dividends
Follow these steps in H&R Block's 2024 tax software:
On the left navigation menu, click the Government slips tab, then Smart Search.
- Type RL-25 or relevé 25 in the search field and either click the highlighted selection or press Enter to continue.
- When you arrive at the RL-25 page, enter your information into the tax software.