How do I download a copy of my return (T1 General)?
After completing your return (also known as your T1 General) in H&R Block's tax software, you can download a PDF copy to keep for your records.
If you need a PDF copy to file your return by mail, visit this help article on where to find the mail-in version of your tax return.

If you want to download a copy of your return after filing, follow these steps:
Under the FILE tab, after filing your return with NETFILE or by mail, click Continue.
On one of the following pages, you’ll find the PDF copy to save section.
Next to Federal (CRA) return, click Download PDF.
Repeat step 3 if you have a Québec return, T1135 form, or a ReFile return (T1-Adj form) to download.
If you're a returning user, you can also download a copy of your filed return by following these steps:
On your dashboard, OPEN your filed return.
You’ll see a pop-up asking you where you want to start. Click Review From the beginning.
On the next page, under Need to make changes to a return you already filed?, find the Return(s) you filed section.
Next to Federal (CRA) return, click Download PDF.
Repeat step 4 if you have a Québec return, T1135 form, or a ReFile return (T1-Adj form) to download.

If you added a paid product to your return (such as ourDELUXEPREMIER, or SELF-EMPLOYED packages), you can download a PDF copy of your return to review before you file. To do this, follow these steps:
Under the Wrap-Up tab, click SUMMARY.
On the Tax summary page, you’ll see the Preview of your return(s) in a PDF section.
Next to Federal (CRA) return, click Download PDF.
Repeat step 3 if you have a Québec return, T1135 form, or a ReFile return (T1-Adj form) to download.
Note: If you’re using H&R Block’s FREE tax software, you can only save a PDF copy with all forms and schedules in your return after you file.