Canada Revenue Agency – NETFILE Errors requiring self-correction
When you’re filing your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) tax return, you may encounter one of several NETFILE rejection errors that require you to fix or adjust some information in your tax return. The following are some common errors you might encounter, and how you can fix these errors, so you can file.
Note: In any of the instances below, if you believe that the Canada Revenue Agency has incorrect information for you in their records, please call them directly at 1-800-959-8281.

Your records with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) indicate that you are filing an income tax return for the first time. Please indicate in your software that you are filing an income tax return with the CRA for the first time, and enter your Given Name (if applicable), Second Name (if applicable), and Family Name in the name fields and try to retransmit your return.
Solution: Indicate that you are filing a tax return for the first time. You do this in the Credits & deductions tab, under Required, on the CRA Questions page.
You also need to make sure that the last name, first name, date of birth, and SIN (Social Insurance Number) that you entered in your return matches what the CRA has on file for you. This page can be found by navigating to Get Started, then .

You have entered a date of entry in which you immigrated to Canada that differs from what the Canada Revenue Agency has on record. Please review your entry for date of entry and make the necessary changes.
Solution: Make sure that the immigration date you entered on your tax return matches what the CRA has on file for you. If it does not match, you will need to contact the CRA (1-800-959-8281). You can confirm the date you entered on the Get Started, then .
page. This page can be found by navigating to
Please verify the following lines found on the Schedule 7:
1) Make sure to enter the amount of unused RRSP/PRPP contributions available for YYYY from the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) records on line 1 of Schedule 7. This amount is: $(insert value).
2) Make sure to enter the total of the RRSP/SPP/PRPP contributions made after the first 60 days of YYYY and no later than the first 60 days of the following year, on line 245 of Schedule 7.
3) If necessary, make sure any contributions you are designating as a repayment under the HBP and the LLP are correctly indicated on line 246 and/or 262 of Schedule 7. Once you make the necessary changes, try sending your return again. If the amount of unused RRSP/PRPP contributions available for YYYY in the CRA’s records indicated above is incorrect, please call the Canada Revenue Agency’s Individual income tax and trust enquiries.
Solution: The RRSP values you’ve entered don’t match what the CRA has on file for you. You will need to check what you’ve entered, and if you believe that the information is incorrect, you will need to contact the CRA (1-800-959-8281). You can check all the information you’ve entered for your RRSPs on the RRSP contributions and HBP or LLP repayments (Schedule 7) page found using Smart Search.

The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) records show that you are a newcomer to Canada with a date of entry in their records. To accurately calculate your return, please return to your software and enter your date of entry and your Canadian sourced and/or foreign sourced income earned when you were not a resident of Canada. If these net incomes are nil, indicate this on your return as instructed by your software.
Solution: Make sure that your date of entry into Canada and your Canadian sourced and/or foreign sourced income match what the Canada Revenue Agency has on file for you. If it does not match, you will need to contact the CRA (1-800-959-8281). You can confirm the date you entered on the Get Started, then .
page. This page can be found by navigating toNote: To indicate nil (no Canadian sourced and/or foreign sourced income) enter a zero (0) into the applicable fields.

There is an entry on one or more of the following lines that are only required when you have entered into an agreement to participate in the Employment Insurance (EI) program for access to EI special benefits on self-employment and other eligible earnings: line 317 on Schedule 1, lines 5493 and 5494 on Schedule 13 and/or line 5829 on the provincial or territorial Form 428 and/or line 5355. The Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) records indicate that you have not entered into an agreement. Please remove your entries on any of these lines.
However, if you have entered into an agreement to participate in the EI program for access to EI special benefits, please send a paper return for processing. The CRA regrets the inconvenience.
Solution: The CRA’s records indicate that you are not eligible to receive or participate in the Employment Insurance (EI) benefits program. Please contact the CRA to confirm this information. If you are entitled to EI benefits, you will need to paper file your tax return.